Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Milking a goat - not so easy!

Well I learned first-hand last week that milking a goat is not as easy as it looks. As a matter of fact, it took me three different attempts over three days to get even the smallest squirt of milk.  Even then I missed the pail. 

Karen makes it look so simple; I just assumed it was easy. Even the goat let me know on my second day of trying that I was not doing so well. She must have thought I was just groping her because she kicked at me and refused to let me continue.  Karen then let me try on a different goat the third day - smaller teats. Boy was I taken by surprised when that one squirt of milk happened!

I'm sure that's why I missed the pail.


  1. Practice makes perfect. You need to visit more often so you can practice more.

  2. There must be something I can practice on...like a dummy teat??
