I was actually very excited. I almost opened a bottle last week just to see how it was coming along. I figured I'd video the tasting and didn't want to be surprised if it tasted terrible. I kept thinking about Geraldo Revira when he opened Al Capone's secret vault on live TV several years ago expecting to find great riches, maybe even bodies, but found literally nothing. I like Geraldo, so I was embarrassed for him. Anyway, this is not live TV and I figured if my beer tastes awful, I'll just try another batch!
I actually waited for Bob to go to band practice before I did the tasting. I didn't want anybody around, just in case it didn't even resemble beer.
Actually, it was pretty good. It looked like beer, poured like beer, smelled like beer, and tasted like beer! I can't say I actually liked the taste, but then again, when I do drink a beer, it most usually contains a piece of fruit or two. This is an Amber ale and tasted slightly bitter. I didn't know if it was supposed to be a little bitter or if I'd done something wrong.
Anyway, Bob tasted it when he came in and liked it. Said it was really good. Liked the second one even better! I thought maybe he was just being nice, so I went out later today and bought a six-pack of a very well-known Amber ale and did a comparison test...
Apparently, Amber ales do taste slightly bitter!!
I'll take that as a test passed!!
I want one. Congratulations Judy. That's funny you went and bought one to do a taste comparison. I would have done the same.