Friday, September 5, 2014

Finding God

I found myself being beckoned outdoors this early morning as I sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee.  The call was so real that I actually got up and looked out the door.  The loveliness of the day almost took my breath.  The dew was still on the grass and the early morning sun was filtering through the trees.  I knew immediately who was calling out to me.

It was God...inviting me to come find Him in the beauty of this day. So, of course, I changed quickly into shorts and walking shoes, grabbed my camera, and headed out the door. My plan was to take pictures of all the places I found Him. 

Did I say I went out to find Him?  I didn't have to find Him.  He was waiting right outside the door...



"I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in."                                ~ George Washington Carver


1 comment:

  1. Nature is so beautiful! Taking photos outside usually make me really happy and helps to calm down and relax.
