Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 3 - Beer Brewing

Well, it's Day 3.  I was distressed this morning to find that the bubbling in the airlock on my fermenter had stopped completely. I know what I read yesterday - basically to just get over the bubbling.  My police sign is still on my fermentation bucket telling me to back off, but I like for things to go exactly by the book. The book says I can expect bubbling to go on for 2 - 3 days.  Mine barely bubbled 24 hours.


So of course I turned to Craig on YouTube.  He recommended that I first check for leaks and  explained how.  I followed his instructions.   I may have had a small leak, but I'm not 100% positive.  He then said I could take the lid off and check the brew. That made me a little nervous, but I did as instructed. He said if my beer was fermenting,  I would find a ring of sediment around the sides of the bucket just above the surface of the beer.

Well, when I finally got the lid off, there it was - this beautiful ring of sediment, right where he said it would be!!!  What he didn't mention though was the wonderful scent of beer that suddenly filled the room!  Why haven't I noticed that before - that beer has such a wonderful smell? 

Anyway, I feel better about everything tonight.  I'm gonna try to quit focusing on it until Monday afternoon when I plan to check the specific gravity. Craig says if specific gravity is 1.010 or lower, then I can start bottling.

Now that's something to look forward to!

PS: Sorry I didn't get pictures of that beautiful sediment ring, but I was so nervous about taking the lid off, I didn't even think about pictures.  Maybe when I'm a more experience beer brewer.

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